0243862890, 0203862890
Plot 3 Klana Avenue. Adenta , Accra
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Carelink Outreach Foundation is an organization which began as an initiative within a Bible study fellowship in 2012 led by Reverend Henry Annan through a recognized need to respond to the divine inspiration to;

  1. Mobilize material resources to support legally registered orphanages, the aged, prisons
  2. Reach out to rural communities with the provision of practical material support in the form of technical and vocational capacity building opportunities for skills development.

Carelink Outreach Foundation is duly registered under the company's code of 1963 (Act 179) of the laws of the Republic of Ghana with registration number CG003972018

The organization was launched in 2013 and is poised to eminently take its position as the largest social intervention-based non-profit and non-governmental organization in Ghana and across the West African sub-region directly impacting the lives of thousands of the most vulnerable in society.

Our Mision Our Mision Our Mision

The mission of Carelink Outreach Foundation is to serve the deprived especially needy children, women and socially displaced persons in the needy communities in society on the basis of the following:

Delivering relief – i.e. clothing, money, food, tools to work with, educational scholarship schemes

Strengthening capacity for self-help – networking, mentoring, enhancement of technical and vocational skills, apprenticeship Addressing discrimination by influencing decision making at all levels

Our Vision Our Vision Our Vision

To become a reputable and remarkable leading resource center for Orphan and Aged Support as well as rural community vocational skill development in Ghana and the West African Sub-region.

Objectives Objectives Objectives

Our objective is to form partnerships that will facilitate and improve the health, education and socio-economic status of Orphans and socially displaced persons in the society as well as impact the lives of rural folks through evangelism. This will be fulfilled by:

  1. Mobilizing resources to support orphanages
  2. Setting up of a modernized home in the next five years to take care of less fortunate infants and children especially orphans and others who fall within the category of care and protection in accordance with Ghana’s Children  Act 560
  3. Undertake rural outreach sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with rural folks
  4. Undertake technical and vocational capacity building for individuals and communities for poverty reduction and social development in Ghana and beyond .
  5. Undertake free medical outreach programs as well as promote education to prevent infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis and Malaria in the rural areas.  
  6. Examining and contribution to policy implantation concerning children and women at all levels
  7. Educating society on discrimination to reduce judgment against neglected children, orphans and socially displaced persons especially women.

Core Values Core Values Core Values

  1. Integrity: We act consistently with CARELINK ‘s mission, being honest and transparent in what we do and say, and accept responsibility for our collective and individual actions
  2. Respect: We affirm the self-respect, potential and role of donors, partners and staff
  3. Commitment: We work together effectively to serve the larger community
  4. Excellence: We constantly challenge ourselves to the highest levels of learning and performance to achieve greater impact.

Membership Membership Membership

Membership of Care Link Outreach Foundation is voluntary and open to all who have the heart to help deprived and less privileged people in the society.

The organization is also open to other organizations and people who have the same or similar objective and wish to affiliate with the organization both locally and internationally.

Organizational Capacity Organizational Capacity Organizational Capacity

Care link Outreach Foundation volunteers comprises of Communication and Marketing professional, Bankers, social workers, Human Resource professional, Christian Ministers, Planning specialists, researchers with vast experiences in project development and management.